Job seekers and students, more often than not, send cover letters for employment or internship application to various firms, organisations or companies for one position or another. This letter, beside the résumé or curriculum vitae, is seen as a marketing tool as well as a means of introduction to prospective employers. They are expected to use this to relay their practical experience, suitability, qualification and ideal skills or values. Your cover is meant to make you stand out from the crowd and present you as a better fit for that desired position.

Hence, job seekers as well as students must give premium to their cover letter and make it top-notch to better their chances of being called up from the flooded applications recruiters receive from potential employees due to competitiveness in the job market.

“A cover letter is a letter of introduction attached to, or accompanying another document such as a résumé or curriculum vitae.”

With the foregoing in mind, this article will therefore proffer a few tips on writing a better cover letter.

1. Have a good grasp of the firm, company or organisation you intend to apply to.

Prospective employees or interns should ensure that they have a comprehensive understanding of the company they intend to apply to. They should understand their objectives, area(s) of practice, what they look out for from applicants and so forth. Given the technological advancement of our world, including easier Internet access, you can get this information from the firm’s website. And in the event that they don’t have one, strive to get in touch with people who know something about them that would be helpful to you. You have to dig deep into the firm by engaging in extensive research. Relevant Information obtained may be used to modify your cover letter accordingly.

2. Employ Precision and Brevity
Most times, one is tempted to be too impressive and expository.

Hence, a lengthy cover letter is usually written. This should however be avoided by all means as the cover letter is expected to be succinct, detailed, to-the-point and engaging. Thrive to ensure that information entailed are good enough to entice, persuade and convince the recruiter to invite you for an interview. Don’t tell stories, just hit the nail on the head!

3. Avoid Duplication.

As a cover letter is meant to provide additional details, aside your résumé or curriculum vitae about your experiences, skills and values, it is important to note that you’re not supposed to regurgitate what’s on your résumé or curriculum vitae as this could portray you as clueless and unfit. Rather, put down specific information that makes you specially fit and qualified for that position as a compliment to what’s on your résumé or CV. It is said that you should think of your cover letter as a sales pitch that will market your credentials or qualifications and help you get the interview, and ultimately the job.

4. Have your Cover letter reviewed before it’s sent.

This, to some, might seem trivial. But it is very important you have your work carefully scrutinized to avoid mistakes and typos, no matter how little. It is even advisable to have it read and accessed by someone else who is knowledgeable and experienced. By so doing, your cover letter gets a better chance of being exquisite and impressionable. It makes a big difference, don’t make a mess of it!

5. Be Positively Expectant!

You should ensure your letter is written in such a way that shows interest in the position, and anticipation to meet your prospective employer personally. The last paragraph of your cover letter should be concluded by asking the recruiter to read your résumé as attached to the letter. It should equally ask them to contact you about an interview. Try something easy like: “Find attached a copy of my résumé. I will be glad to hear from you soon. Thanks.”
In conclusion, in order to give your cover letter a unique touch and make it effective, you need to dedicate great effort to make it such. So, be flexible, interesting, consice, confident and optimistic!


Ikusika Bamidele
Content Provider, Legal Pages

Obafemi Awolowo University
14th January, 2018