Have you ever thought about what exactly your LL.B Diet is? Your diet either keeps or kills your “Fitness Goal” in the legal education. Your fitness goal is to be that extraordinary law student who can compete, even on a global stage. Let’s go on a journey of my LL. B diet (..the full course meal):
Ace your courses
Believe in yourself
Compile your CV and live the CV life
Do the ‘Extra’ to be extraordinary
Endeavour to invest in yourself
Foster meaningful relationships
Gain knowledge. Don’t just limit yourself to the Law
Have a mentor
Involve yourself in extra curricular activities that are beneficial to you
Join LinkedIn and other professional networking platforms
Know the LAW or at least where to find it.
Leverage on opportunities to develop yourself (internships,etc)
Manage your time effectively
Network with colleagues, fellow law students and renowned lawyers
Online presence is important
Prioritize your goals
Quit activities that don’t align with your goals
Reflect on long term goals
Set unbelievable goals
Take up available leadership positions
Understand the school system and lecturers
Volunteer! Volunteer!! Volunteer!!!
Willingly pay the price of success; Dillegence
X (A diet that doesn’t add up)
You can choose to be or not to be
Zealously take free courses from websites like EdX, Coursera etc.
Kofoworola Omowale,
Content Provider, Legal Pages.
Law Student, University of Ibadan