LinkedIn is arguably the fastest growing professional social media platform with more than 500 million users and over 10 million active jobs. The sad thing however is that only a few students and prospective professionals have keyed into the amazing opportunities this platform offers. I know a lot of persons who, through this platform acquired their current jobs, internships and even scholarships. The following are 7 LinkedIn tools you will require to make for an ALL STAR profile, in a bid to attract more opportunities than you already do.

A lot of people are oblivious of this tool but it always comes in handy. In updating your LinkedIn profile, you should always include keywords. Keywords are those terms that relate to what you do, services you render as well as the industry in which you practice. These are terms like HR management, Freelance writing, Web development, Law and so on. It is advisable to use a blend of generic and specific keywords. So for instance, if you already have law or legal practitioner somewhere on your profile, you may also want to go ahead in stating the specific field which you practice (e.g. Intellectual Property Law).

Areas on your profile where you need to include these keywords are your summary, headline, experience and skills sections.

Employers, when searching for candidates on LinkedIn, often make use of these keywords that align with the job opening they have. If you have those keywords available on your profile, you have a better chance of getting atop other candidates and possibly a profile visit by employers.

Profile Picture
The first rule here is that you must have a profile picture. Even if you only just created your account, it is imperative that you upload a profile picture. An account without a profile picture ordinarily makes it lack credibility.

That settled, your profile picture should be appropriate. LinkedIn is not like other social platforms where you can freely express yourself. It is important to look professional in a profile picture, which is by putting on smart, and not necessarily expensive, wears. Your profile picture should be a recent picture of yourself and yourself alone. Avoid using selfies with friends and family. It should also have a background that is not busy or distorted. It also brightens your profile to give a smile in your picture.

Your profile headline comes just below your name. Although it is often used for stating one’s job title and company name, it could also be used in job search. Never be shy to prompt potential employers that you seek a particular role on your headline. However, you must so drat it in such a way that you dont come off so desperate and unprofessional. Also, there is a 120 words limit. Make sure to use relevant keywords to attract employers to your profile.

Your summary is found under the headline. Updating it is a way to imprint a good first impression as it is your personal introduction. The summary is to be tailored in line with your passion, educational background, marketable skills, experience, goals and career.
There are several styles to be employed in drafting a summary. If you feel you have ample experience and skillset, you may write on those things youve acquired in pursuance of your career and any other relevant accomplishments. Otherwise, you might choose to focus on your personality and passion.

Regardless of the style of writing you wish to adopt, it is important to ensure that your summary is catchy, clear of errors and filled keywords to top employers search lists.


The experience section of your profile is the place to reveal relevant work and voluntary experience youve attained. As much as you will like to express every single experience you have, it is always important to put out those ones that will impress employers. A profile with a list of irrelevant experience might put off an employer and any other viewer. Also, make its concise and specific.


Towards the bottom of your profile, there is a section that allows you to include your skills. Here it is advisable to include skills that match your interest and job specifications of the role you wish to attain. Having listed your skills, your connections can then endorse you. You can request for endorsements from your connections; friends, workmates, boss and so on. The fact is that the more endorsements you get, the more credibility is lent to your skills.


This is that part of your profile that ensures viewer confidence. Recommendations display what you are to certain persons, usually the positives. Since they come from another person, they serve as a reliable source in confirming your aforementioned skills, abilities as well as work ethic. You can ask a friend or workmate to draft up a recommendation for you. Also, if you recently connected with a professional on LinkedIn and have worked with them one way or the other, you can also go ahead to request for a recommendation; it wont hurt.

These and a whole lot more are LinkedIn tools to ensure your profile is attractive, even to prospective employers. This, however, is not a phenomenon that can be attained overnight; you will have to dedicate time to keep your profile in shape, but, ultimately, it will be worth it!

Tayo Fabusiwa,
Founder, Legal Pages.

Tayo Fabusiwa, a student of law at the Obafemi Awolowo University, is an avid writer and illustrious researcher with particular interest in Tax, Arbitration, International law and Career development. He is also a professional web designer.